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  5. Cannot write files to existing blog posts in WordPress and recommended WP settings

Cannot write files to existing blog posts in WordPress and recommended WP settings

WordPress has some default settings that make updating existing posts difficult in basic shared hosting servers.

The symptom is you have an existing post and you would like to FTP to it or update it and you are unable. You do not have write permissions to the content.

The reason is because some older WordPress applications running with the old “Apache module” PHP handler, will create posts with folders organized into folder names based on month/year. When WP creates these folders, the ownership is “apache” …not the FTP user thereby disallowing write access to them.

To address this make sure you are running your WP installation in “FastCGI” mode PHP handler (default in newer E Street server). If you are running in Apache module – un-check the “organize my uploads….” checkbox in the WordPress configuration under “Settings-Media.


WordPress Security

WordPress is a common web-based application and as such its inner working are well known. This can present security issues because bad guys know how to attack it.

Strong Passwords are key – here is some help on generating a strong password:

We recommend all WordPress webmasters “harden” their installations with several enhanced security plugins in WordPress.

** IMPORTANT ** in older WordPress installation sometimes you need to set “777” (world writable) permissions on folders and files to get WP to write to them. Never keep these folder writable as 777. Set them back to 755 or lower permissions when done editing.

For Recommended Plugins – here are few to run at a minimum:

Do a Best Plugins Search at Google: goo.gl/vjloR (Best to search for the latest and greatest – they change frequently)

For countering Brute Force admin username and password hacks see:

Highly recommended for WP performance:

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