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  5. How to add Wireless networking to E Street High-Speed Internet access

How to add Wireless networking to E Street High-Speed Internet access

There are hundreds of combinations of hardware and configuration options for wireless network setups – but the overall concept is basically the same:

1. Choose your wireless equipment – you will need wireless “base station” or router that communicates with the Internet connection to enable wireless access.  (E Street offers the Actiontec DSL routers which may be configured as a wireless base station.)   

For the computer you will need wireless capability.  Most laptops are wireless capable and for a desktop machine you can add wireless NIC cards or USB wireless networking devices as well.

2. Configure your wireless router – Enable the wireless base station and make sure your wireless on your computer is enabled and you should “see” the new wireless network to connect to. We recommend ALWAYS set encryption (we recommend some version of “WPA” security) and close your network. Other tips are to not broadcast the SSID so the network is not seen, also set MAC addresses to only allow certain pieces of hardware to access the node.


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